
Places for Gifting

  These blogs are self-learning models for people to create photo-diaries and focus on the importance of historic, social and material connections in belonging to place. The concept of a “gift” is deployed to understand how places are cared for by people, families and community groups over time. The idea is to explore the development of tangible and intangible connections between past, present and future people and places. An understanding of place as an inalienable gift may create a moral duty to nurture and pass on places to subsequent generations. A gift economy refers to economic activity characterised by offering services and goods to other members of the community without the expectation of monetary reward. Giving things to other people may be based on pure altruism, a wish to gain status in society, the hope of reciprocal gifts in the future or out of a sense of mutual obligation.   More about gifted places ....

Belonging Together in Nature

  To The Zoo These pictures were produced as a response of children visiting a zoo for the first time

Biosphere Ecoscopes: a Jigsaw of Places

Image Ecoscopes An ecoscope is the extent of the biosphere that local conservation management deals with or to which it is relevant.  In other words, an ecoscope is a position or perspective from which a part of the biosphere is considered or evaluated.  An ecoscope allows the observer an exceedingly close view of the structures of the biosphere (habitats, ecosystems and species) at a scale convenient for examination and analysis required to make a conservation management system. Here are some examples of places for making ecoscopes. 1 Wandsworth Common, London . The common is classed as a site of borough importance grade 1 for nature conservation. It has nine different ecological habitats, including the pond and lakes, amphibian wetland, grassland, including acid grassland, meadows and woodland (Fig 6). Only native trees are planted today.  Management of the common is a balancing act: balancing

Tredegar: a Place for Deep Living


Skomer: a Place for Playful Learning

“ Each week I was required to complete one or two several thousand word essays, ticking off sources from the reading list as I went by. I was encouraged to read beyond the facts, to make my own assumptions and to prove and disprove theories. Another shock was for me that now – for the first time – my opinion actually mattered. Rather than simply regurgitating the textbook, tutors were asking me what I thought ”. Adam, an undergraduate at Oxford.